¡Plans & Amenities ¡
Top Plans & Amenities Neghborhood Request Form
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¡ * All the Hikawa residences are corner units that maximize the natural light.
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¡ * 2 Bedroom Units : 102 * 3 Bedroom Units : 101 103 104
¡  ¡  ¡ 401 402 404  ¡  ¡ 202 204
¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ 302 304
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¡ * 4 Bedroom Units : 201 203 * 5 Bedroom Units : Penthouse
¡ ¡ ¡ 301 303 ¡ ¡ B1 - Parking
¡ ¡ ¡ 403 ¡ ¡ B2 - Fitness
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# 103 / 3LDK / 147.66m2
# 303 / 3LDK+DEN / 174.00m2
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# 201 / 4LDK / 186.77m2
# 403 / 3LDK+DEN / 147.66m2
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¡ * exercise room/TV lounge * bicycle & carriage area * roof top terrace
¡ * trunk room * daily on site management * secured parking
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¡ * visual intercom for visitors * smoke detectors * washer/dryer
¡ * SECOM home security system * sprinkler system * dishwasher
¡ * fiber optic intermet access * central air conditioning * cable TV
¡ * radiant heated floors/bathrooms * fire alarms * gas stove
¡ * traditional japanese cleansing
¡¡shower and soaking tub
* full sized refrigerator ¡
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